Sunday, November 2, 2014


It's only been half a year since the last update, so here are some items that you might have missed during that break in the blog updates.

A new Host and Guest with Morgan Taylor and John Munson.  Morgan and John have both been on the show and were two of my all-time favorite guests.  Morgan is the mastermind behind Gustafer Yellowgold and the new Gustafer album is his best one yet.  John is one of my favorite musicians and I've been a fan of his music from Trip Shakespeare/Semisonic/the Flops/Meltaway/The New Standards/The Twilight Hours for oven sixteen years.  This is the longest non-Tom Fuchs episode of Host and Guest and it was such a treat to get have an extended talk with Morgan and John, as well as Ken Chastain.

Also on the Host and Guest front, you might have missed my interview this year with Elijah Drenner, the director of American Grindhouse and the new film That Guy Dick Miller.  This interview was pretty unique as I set it up on the spot at the Horrorfest Tribute to Dick Miller in Los Angeles and arranged to meet Elijah a week later at the Wisconsin Film Festival in Madison.  Please note that I didn't go to California just to arrange this interview.

I also just started producing a new podcast hosted by Evan Pilak of Peshtigo and co-starring Brian Stefanik and me.  Our first episode captures the first time the three of us were even in a room together, so for a pilot, I think it hints at some of the potential the show has.

I'm also currently working on my new DVD which will hopefully be ready for my 30th birthday next May.  Even if the full program isn't done yet, I'll probably show a rough cut along with CONSUMPTION OPTIONAL and VERDICT UNKNOWN.

Enjoy the 2 hours of audio entertainment linked in this post!